Right photo is January 2017, four months pre-HRT, and supremely miserable.

Left was taken in a changing room last week, 25 months on HRT, and 1 year post orchiectomy. If I look disgruntled, it’s because I had just tried on ten bras without finding one I liked.

It’s Transformation Tuesday, and as I was scrolling through my photos trying to figure out if there was a good comparison that I hadn’t done yet, I scrolled past this changing room selfie that I took last week when I was bra shopping. I remembered this old bathroom pic, and figured “that’s a lark, lets try that.” Wow.

Even I was not prepared for how stark the difference is.

  • Underbust dropped from 50” to 41”
  • Waist dropped from 56” to 45”
  • Belly at its widest point dropped from 64” to 52”
  • I don’t have a butt measurement, but it’s bigger.
  • Oh, and I’m now an H cup.

There is only a 16 lb difference between these photos.

Estrogen is magic.

Also, as always, I’m laughing at my need to cover up my breasts now, but not then. Social media can be such a funny thing, I took this photo for instagram, which strictly forbids female presenting nipples, but the exact same nipples on old me are perfectly fine.